An old villain returned to the Hunt household last night. Around 3AM, Mrs. Hunt noticed just a slightly odd sound in the home but awoke to silence. Not sure what was going on, she rolled over and Mr. Hunt awoke as well. At first it appeared to be nothing and the Hunt's rolled over to go back to sleep but in doubt the Mrs. asked Mr. Hunt to turn the light on "just to be sure". A moment later, Mr. Hunt made a soft shout and quickly informed the Mrs. that the old villain had returned... a bat was in the house. This was not the first time the Hunt's had awoke to a bat in their home. Approximately, one year ago, the Hunt's had also awoke to a bat in their bedroom during the night. Could it be the same one? Fortunately, being a "Super" (or would it be "Bat"?) Man, Mr. Hunt got the bat out the front door in a record 5 minutes by simply opening the front door and closing off all other doorways. Mrs. Hunt (AKA: Wonder Woman) assisted by holding up the sheet to the doorway between the dining room and living room. After returning to their cozy, and still warm, beds the Hunt's pondered the events. Here was their final conversation before drifting back to sleep.
Mr. Hunt: I hope we don't get another one or I'll have to kill it.
The Mrs: Why?
Mr. Hunt: Because it might be the same one.
The Mrs: Then it'll be our friend.
Mr.Hunt: No, friends don't wake you up in the middle of the night and scare the $#!* out of you.
A final note: the young child and dog went undisturbed during the occurrence.
*** Attached is the picture of Mr. Hunt taken from last year's disturbance of the peace.