Thursday, February 26, 2009
mission work
I've been reading some updates on my friend Laura's blog about mission work. I used to be very pumped up about being a part of local mission work and in the past few years I've kind of lost my desire. I know that now that I'm a mom, I often think that I don't have time to go out and volunteer. I'm not sure what to think about myself, sometimes I feel lazy about not helping others who are "under resourced" and sometimes I remember the times I've tried to help other people out but it just didn't work out. I think I'm burnt out on people who have "rejected" my help and it makes me not want to reach out, but I'm more likely to wait for someone to reach out to me asking for help. I also think sometimes that just being available for the people in my life (family, friends, church and work) is enough to keep me busy. I also know that I'm a people/relationship oriented person so going to volunteer for two hours isn't going to make me feel like I'm helping out the community unless I can get to know a person and feel connected personally. But is it about me and how I feel? Or should it be about the outcome? As a christian, I often wonder if it's God's role to put opportunities in my life or is it my role to go looking? I will be honest, I haven't really prayed about it so I know I have to start there, but I think I'd share my thoughts and get some feedback.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Today, I had my second official doctor's appointment and the little peanut's heart rate was 156. The nurse said that was "good"!. I also scheduled my next appointment on March 19th when we will get another ultrasound and can find out if "peanut" is a boy or girl... that's assuming he/she cooperates. I can't believe how fast this is going! Although I've gained some weight and been tired, for the most part I don't feel any different. Often, I find myself saying, oh yeah, I'm pregnant.. I'm like out of the first trimester pregnant.. it really shouldn't be a surprise by now but reality still hasn't completely sunk in. I think here soon when I can feel the baby move, we know if it's a boy or girl and my stomach really pops out then I'll have constant reminders about it. But for now, I'll try and live in bliss and joy.. and try not to worry too much. It's kind of scary to think of two kids, Wendell and a baby.. like how to go for walks, how to get out of a car and into a building with everyone staying safe, and how to take care of a Wendell's demands while feeding the baby. I keep telling myself that I will just adjust and learn a new way to take care of things and before I know it baby 3, 4 and 5 will be here and I'll be worrying about the same things. (just kidding, we're not having 5 children!)
On a not so fun note, I just found out that I can only get about 6 weeks paid maternity leave.. and I really want to take off the full 12 weeks. I can take 12 weeks off it's just half of it won't be paid. Going without pay wouldn't be so bad but our health insurance comes out of my check. Which means that I'll have to pay them about $750 (6 weeks of insurance) to cover the cost of insurance while I'm gone. And not to mention the deductible of insurance for actually having the baby (unless I want to do a home delivery with Phil being my doctor, hmmm, let me think about that). And... we're currently dealing with Phil's 5 (unpaid) day's off in the next month. So I have been picking up extra hours to cover that and don't want to (and emotionally can't) pick up too much more to cover the future concerns.
The good news is that Phil and I each get an "extra" pay check (we'll get paid 3 times instead of 2 times in a month so we call it an extra pay check since the third check isn't scheduled for bills) in the next few months so that should be extra money coming in. And we are getting our taxes done soon and will hopefully get a good chunk of money for that as well. Of course, we have our precious savings account that we've worked so hard to build up. But who actually wants to use their savings account (even though it is for times like this)? Anyways, Phil and I have already agreed that we're not going to worry too much and try not to argue about this and just put in God's hands. I guess if I have to go back to work early then I'll survive, who knows, by then I might be ready for a good 8 hours sleep? : ) Maybe going back to work early will be a good thing... so I'll quit worrying and calculating and just let it be.
Thanks for listening to my bleeding heart. I feel better now. 156 for a heart beat and the baby is doing good! According to the books the baby is about 3-4 inches long and about 3-4 ounces. Yesterday, I thought I'd try and wear a pair of maternity jeans to see how they fit, and even though they're a bit big and baggy, they sure are comfortable. My goal was to make it 4 months before wearing maternity pants but it might be sooner than I thought, I don't know if I can make it 2 more weeks.
Well, that's all for now.. thanks for listening!
On a not so fun note, I just found out that I can only get about 6 weeks paid maternity leave.. and I really want to take off the full 12 weeks. I can take 12 weeks off it's just half of it won't be paid. Going without pay wouldn't be so bad but our health insurance comes out of my check. Which means that I'll have to pay them about $750 (6 weeks of insurance) to cover the cost of insurance while I'm gone. And not to mention the deductible of insurance for actually having the baby (unless I want to do a home delivery with Phil being my doctor, hmmm, let me think about that). And... we're currently dealing with Phil's 5 (unpaid) day's off in the next month. So I have been picking up extra hours to cover that and don't want to (and emotionally can't) pick up too much more to cover the future concerns.
The good news is that Phil and I each get an "extra" pay check (we'll get paid 3 times instead of 2 times in a month so we call it an extra pay check since the third check isn't scheduled for bills) in the next few months so that should be extra money coming in. And we are getting our taxes done soon and will hopefully get a good chunk of money for that as well. Of course, we have our precious savings account that we've worked so hard to build up. But who actually wants to use their savings account (even though it is for times like this)? Anyways, Phil and I have already agreed that we're not going to worry too much and try not to argue about this and just put in God's hands. I guess if I have to go back to work early then I'll survive, who knows, by then I might be ready for a good 8 hours sleep? : ) Maybe going back to work early will be a good thing... so I'll quit worrying and calculating and just let it be.
Thanks for listening to my bleeding heart. I feel better now. 156 for a heart beat and the baby is doing good! According to the books the baby is about 3-4 inches long and about 3-4 ounces. Yesterday, I thought I'd try and wear a pair of maternity jeans to see how they fit, and even though they're a bit big and baggy, they sure are comfortable. My goal was to make it 4 months before wearing maternity pants but it might be sooner than I thought, I don't know if I can make it 2 more weeks.
Well, that's all for now.. thanks for listening!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Will you be my Valentine?
As some of you already know, Wendell has a lot of "girlfriends". When we were invited to this playdate/Valentine party, we couldn't turn it down. Although 2 other boys were invited they called in sick so Wendell had all these Valentine's to himself. No kisses or hugs today but lots of fun.
Next are a few pictures from my "taco" week. The first one is an attempt to duplicate the Casey's taco pizza. My friend Sarah and I made this while trying to keep two 2 years old happy, which was much harder than usual. It turned out good but we both agree that we will make a few changes for next time.
The second picture is just a taco salad. I love taking a regular soft taco shell and baking it to crisp it up. Then put some refried beans, beef, lettuce, cheese, sour cream and salsa on top. The shell is really tasty baked and pretty healthy as well (better than a fried one anyways). If you can't tell, food is very important to me (probably too important), but I have a lot fun with it so I like taking and then sharing my pi
And this last picture is of the smallest piece of mail that I've ever seen. Wendell's Great Grandpa K. sent us a Valentine in this tiny little envelope. The return address label and stamp did not fit on it all the way (the stamp wrapped around the back a little). I put it up to a normal business envelope to give you an idea of just how small it was. I think my Grandpa should have gotten 1/2 price on this stamp. Either way, thanks Grandpa for the Valentine!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
What's my limit?
Most of you know that this past year, I lost a lot of weight. But what most of you don't know is how I did it. It's mostly been eating better and exercise but.. I have become something that I never in my wildest dream would ever come up with. I'm a RUNNER now. Well, I guess maybe it'd be more like a jogger but runner just sounds better. I took a few weeks off in Dec./Jan. because of the cold and snow but quickly learned that I feel so sluggish if I don't get to go out and run at least 3 times a week. On average, I run 3 miles, yes! 3 miles. And I'm horribly slow but I go the whole time, no stopping for me unless there's traffic issues, or occasionally a shoe untied. So then this morning, I gear up to go and right before I leave, Phil turns on the tv and politely informs me that it's currently -1 degree's (did you catch the negative sign there?). But, the woman I am, I went anyways, knowing I was geared well. So, what's my limit? I really don't know because believe it or not, the run didn't go to bad. I stayed warm except for my cheeks; and the only other complaint is that my glasses kept fogging up. Looking back on my running career, I'm amazed at all the "gear" that Phil and I have bought. (Phil is a running too but he's much faster and goes a lot further distance than me).
Anyways, here is the gear that we/I have purchased:
1. glasses strap: because I usually go right away in the morning and don't want to put my contacts in yet. I didn't think I'd ever get used to wearing my glasses when working out but it has worked out well.
2. supportive undergarment: I have purchased 3 different kinds and finally found exactly what works for me. Although it cost $40, it was well worth it.
3. shoes: we didn't think this was necessary at first but quickly found it was a good idea to buy "good" shoes. We bargained at FFwear and got a pair and the other 1/2 off, so we both got new shoes. A good deal!
4. tank top for me/sleeveless shirt for Phil (for summer time): I used to never wear tank tops but found one that (at the time) was a good breathable one made with the "breathable" mesh. I highly recommend anything that is declared "breathable".
5. shorts: so you wouldn't think much of shorts but you have to have a pair that won't ride up and for me, I actually wanted them kind of tight. Wow, not me at all! But these also had to be breathable/mesh.
So this equipment got us through this past summer and fall but then it started to get a little cold... now what? More gear.
6. leggings: these are more like long biker shorts but are designed to keep you warm. Phil and I each bought a pair. We wear this under our sweatpants.
7. thermal shirts: so I lucked out and had an old one I could use but Phil had to buy a new one. He actually found one that is very thin, but still thermal, and not itching like mine (I might have to buy one next year).
8. hooded sweatshirts: you would think a normal sweatshirt would work but we both prefer hooded, not zip sweatshirts. The hood is for the wind, and of course the rest keeps you warm. Phil bought an orange one so that he'd stand out a little more in the dark. I just wear grey or black since it's usually daylight when I go.
9. spikes: so we didn't actually purchase this, a co-worker gave them to Phil, but if we'd know there were such things, we'd have purchased it after the first snow/ice. The spikes are like a cover over your shoe with metal "spikes" that come out... it kind of looks like a mechanical pencil tip. They aren't really spikes but just little mental pieces. They work wonders on ice! I run with no doubt of slips or falls. Running with these makes me feel like a pro, I hear the click click when I run and it remind me of the days of track (I never RAN in track, I threw shot put (and was terrible at it), but heard the other runners with the spikes).
10. ski mask: this has been our most recent purchase. It's black (hope we don't look like robbers) and has one hole for your eyes/face. It's the same thin mesh/breathable material as our other items but manages to keep us warm. I wore it for the first time today and it made my glasses fog up. Hmmm.. not sure what to do about that problem.
Well, I think that is about it. We did buy a used weight bench set this past summer that I used to use but gave up on. Phil has started to use it regularly though so it was well worth the money.
And I have one more thing to buy here soon and that is a maternity belt. They are designed to help support the baby while running. Yes, I hope to keep running even with the pregnancy. I know a few other people that did it so that inspires me to keep going.
Even though there is a lot of money invested in our running, it has been well worth it. I feel better and it helps me to be healthy. Something I think God would be very proud of as he expects us to care for this one body that he gave us.
So, even if you didn't care one bit about my running. I thought it would be fun to share as it's an important aspect of my life. Hope you enjoyed... maybe I'll even take a picture of my goofy self all bundled up getting ready for a "run". Stay warm! -10 here I come!
Anyways, here is the gear that we/I have purchased:
1. glasses strap: because I usually go right away in the morning and don't want to put my contacts in yet. I didn't think I'd ever get used to wearing my glasses when working out but it has worked out well.
2. supportive undergarment: I have purchased 3 different kinds and finally found exactly what works for me. Although it cost $40, it was well worth it.
3. shoes: we didn't think this was necessary at first but quickly found it was a good idea to buy "good" shoes. We bargained at FFwear and got a pair and the other 1/2 off, so we both got new shoes. A good deal!
4. tank top for me/sleeveless shirt for Phil (for summer time): I used to never wear tank tops but found one that (at the time) was a good breathable one made with the "breathable" mesh. I highly recommend anything that is declared "breathable".
5. shorts: so you wouldn't think much of shorts but you have to have a pair that won't ride up and for me, I actually wanted them kind of tight. Wow, not me at all! But these also had to be breathable/mesh.
So this equipment got us through this past summer and fall but then it started to get a little cold... now what? More gear.
6. leggings: these are more like long biker shorts but are designed to keep you warm. Phil and I each bought a pair. We wear this under our sweatpants.
7. thermal shirts: so I lucked out and had an old one I could use but Phil had to buy a new one. He actually found one that is very thin, but still thermal, and not itching like mine (I might have to buy one next year).
8. hooded sweatshirts: you would think a normal sweatshirt would work but we both prefer hooded, not zip sweatshirts. The hood is for the wind, and of course the rest keeps you warm. Phil bought an orange one so that he'd stand out a little more in the dark. I just wear grey or black since it's usually daylight when I go.
9. spikes: so we didn't actually purchase this, a co-worker gave them to Phil, but if we'd know there were such things, we'd have purchased it after the first snow/ice. The spikes are like a cover over your shoe with metal "spikes" that come out... it kind of looks like a mechanical pencil tip. They aren't really spikes but just little mental pieces. They work wonders on ice! I run with no doubt of slips or falls. Running with these makes me feel like a pro, I hear the click click when I run and it remind me of the days of track (I never RAN in track, I threw shot put (and was terrible at it), but heard the other runners with the spikes).
10. ski mask: this has been our most recent purchase. It's black (hope we don't look like robbers) and has one hole for your eyes/face. It's the same thin mesh/breathable material as our other items but manages to keep us warm. I wore it for the first time today and it made my glasses fog up. Hmmm.. not sure what to do about that problem.
Well, I think that is about it. We did buy a used weight bench set this past summer that I used to use but gave up on. Phil has started to use it regularly though so it was well worth the money.
And I have one more thing to buy here soon and that is a maternity belt. They are designed to help support the baby while running. Yes, I hope to keep running even with the pregnancy. I know a few other people that did it so that inspires me to keep going.
Even though there is a lot of money invested in our running, it has been well worth it. I feel better and it helps me to be healthy. Something I think God would be very proud of as he expects us to care for this one body that he gave us.
So, even if you didn't care one bit about my running. I thought it would be fun to share as it's an important aspect of my life. Hope you enjoyed... maybe I'll even take a picture of my goofy self all bundled up getting ready for a "run". Stay warm! -10 here I come!
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