Monday, November 23, 2009

deep thoughts

Just some 'deep' thoughts from Heather:

Recently, someone at our book study mentioned that she feels like being a mom/ wife/ homemaker takes so much energy out of her that she doesn't feel like there is time left for the other things and she asked the group if any of us feel the same way. And all, I can say is YES! YES! YES! There are so many things out there that I want to do, and sometimes feel pressured to do, like volunteering, social events with friends, and visiting family. Although, these are all great things.. I'm realizing that I can't do everything that I want to do even if my schedule is open. I feel like I must cut back on my activities (especially those with specific times). Last week, Wendell, Harlie and I hardly had anything on our calendar and it was one of the best weeks we've had in a long time. Why? Because I wasn't forcing two kids out the door to get somewhere at a certain time. We actually had a few mornings where we had nothing to do so we got to take our time, play, and just be a fun family. So, although most people are complaining about the sun going down early, I'm almost enjoying it because it makes me slow down and go home.

On another note, I thought I would report that I have my second ever 5k coming up in December. I ran one in August of 2008 after Phil and I started running and now being post baby then I'm getting back in the swing of it. Although, I can run the 3 miles, I am quite slow still. And, I still have about 10 pounds to lose to be pre-pregnancy so I think that's part of why I'm still slow. With winter coming though, I don't expect to improve my time too much and at this point, I just hope to not gain too much weight. On a good note, I can squeeze (literally) into my pre-pregnancy jeans so they will fit once I stretch them out a bit : ). Hopefully, I'll feel comfortable with going clothes shopping soon. I'd really like some new jeans and shirts but don't want to buy something that won't fit in two months.

One last thought. $$$ Why is it that every time about this time of year, we have no money? Phil works Friday night football to help pay for Christmas but the money is gone before we even start shopping. And he videotaped UNI football games this year to bring in extra $$$. It doesn't help that we've had unexpected car repairs, vet bills, and basically no pay check from me due to maternity leave but still.. every year we seem to have this? Instead of seasonal affective disorder, I think we have seasonal money disorder.

I suppose that's enough deep thoughts for now. I hope that everyone enjoys the Thanksgiving holidays and takes time to appreciate all the blessings God has given us .. like little babies and warm weather!

1 comment:

Life of the Lorenzens said...

I totally agree with your comments about enjoying staying at home and doing nothing. Those seem to be some of the best days for us, too. Either I actually get to work on some project at home or we just plain don't "accomplish" anything short of getting dressed and eating. That was today. :o) I'm finding myself looking for excuses just to stay home and not go anywhere more and more. Enjoy your lazy days!