Monday, September 29, 2014

Alveda Grace at TERRIFIC TWO

Alveda has been a gem at 2 years old.  The other day I thought, we're almost half way through her second year.  Maybe she'll be a late terrible two but maybe.. she will just be that 'easy' child.

She went through that phase of putting other people shoes on.. don't they all?

Spider girl ... kind of creepy looking.

Ohhhh.. scary ghost!

Don't all kids look cool in their 'shades'?

This naked girl is ready to go swimming!

or ride her big wheel

Doc McAli loves to check our blood pressure, even if Daddy is runny late for work, she wants to make sure he's okay.

Baby Ali stole the baby doll's pacey.

We should have this beautiful pose turned into a master piece painting.

Oh, how I love her soooo... just like HE loves us.

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