Wednesday, October 26, 2011

new round of books

Last week I started on my last of a pile of books I had gotten from the library.  About two chapters in I decided I didn't really like it and was not happy to go the weekend without a good book.  I didn't have the time, or freedom, to go get a new batch until Monday, making Monday a very happy day.  Sometimes I don't realize how important reading is to me until I don't have a good book to sit down with when I need it. 

I would say reading a good book, exercising, spending time with God and cooking new things are some of my top stress reliever type activities.  What are yours?  Are you taking enough time for yourself? 

Well here are the latest three reads, the last one not included as it doesn't make the list.

1. Still Alice by Kim Geneva - a great book!  It's about a woman who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's and you walk through her experience of how her mind works.  I recommend it!

2. Goodnight Beautiful by Dorothy Koomson - very confusing and I was surprised it got such great remarks on Amazon.  The story was good but reading was tough.. and frustrating.

3. The Violets of March by Sarah Jio - good start, ended as a soap opera, quite ridiculous in my opinion  but I finished it out so it makes the list.

My mom has told me that when she finds a good book she goes to Amazon to see what other books they recommend, and it also gives ratings so it's fun sometimes to look up those ratings or to get ideas.  I haven't gotten addicted to looking at Amazon but after book #2 I had to see what others said about it.  Almost everyone liked it.. one or two were like me and were frustrated with it. 

Anyways, have you read any good books lately?  (Sarah - what was the name of the one you recommended, I don't remember.)

1 comment:

Sarah Craft said...

The book I just read is "Room." It was good but disturbing...