Sunday, May 3, 2009

pizza anyone?

Hey all ~ I have been drooling over making this pizza for the last three days so tonight I finally made it. The recipe is out of the book we just got from MMO a few weeks ago.. basically it's a very simple bread dough as a crust but then is cooked at 550 degree's. I didn't know my oven could get that hot, but it sure did! Anyways, the pizza only bakes for about 10-15 minutes and then it's done (we're talking raw dough, veggies and cheese all cooked to perfection in a short amount of time). This time I did an Italian style pizza which basically means I used fresh cut up tomatoes instead of pizza sauce. I'm a sauce lover so next time I'll probably add normal pizza sauce. I just found a new recipe to make my own sauce that I've been wanting to try so I guess we'll be having pizza again in a few days : ) I loaded this one up with veggies so then I didn't have to fight Wendell on eating his veggies 'cause he ate them with the pizza. The pizza got a bit well done but it tasted just fine. I guess next time I'll watch the time a little more, I didn't realize a minute or two was so precious but with this hot oven every minute counts. It was delicious and very easy to make. Let me know if you want the recipe.. for those at MMO you can find the recipe in the book (pg. 135-137) and I just used the basic bread recipe that I already had make up. Very soon, I will come up with a recipe for the BEST home made pizza ever.. I'm very close with just a few more things to work out. Let me know if you have any tips from your own experience!

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