Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Jesus CEO 5

This chapter was the first to NOT strike a chord with me which is part of why it took so long to write about it.  I reread it twice and it just doesn't do much.. so I'm moving on but in case you're curious.   It was about believing in yourself, just like Jesus did.  The chapter talked about how Jesus knew his job, and just did it, feeling 100% at it.  Then the questions at the end were asking how much do I believe in myself?  and what would it take to believe in myself down to my toes?

Well, I don't really have an answer. I guess I'm a 85% or so, most of the time.. and it would take a perfect world (effect) to feel 100%.  Perfect kids, perfect sleep, perfect job, perfect home, etc.  But I guess Jesus didn't have perfect conditions and neither will I.

Hmm.. oh well.  Any ideas?   

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