Monday, December 5, 2011

Jesus CEO 4

Day 4.. again very simple yet thought provoking.  The chapter was about being on a mission and stated that Jesus was on a mission and he stayed on his mission even when it was tempting to divert.  Then the questions they asked where, what is your mission? are you doing it? are you being distracted? 

Well.. great questions but the chapter made me think more about Jesus.. and what exactly was his mission?  The chapter states that he didn't heal everyone, or raise everyone from the dead, or build shopping malls, etc.   He had a mission, knew what it was, and stuck to it.

So what was his mission?  I asked Phil this so I'm curious to see what he has to say but I have been thinking about this and I know that Jesus #1 mission was to die/pay for our sins and then be brought back so we can "live" again. 

But what was his mission during his life?  Here's what I've got so far: 1. to teach us about God 2. to show people compassion and love 3. to call us on our mistakes and then challenge us to do better

Hmmm.. I wonder if that should be my mission.

Any other ideas/thoughts? 

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