Wednesday, June 3, 2009

no sweets - day 3

Today, we completed day 3 of no sweets and we've had a few tests. First off, we have ice cream in the freezer which I still haven't taken down to the basement freezer. Technically, I see that ice cream everyday but in my mind it's just not an option so I don't really notice it when I look in the freezer. We've also had company (who shall remain nameless) who has eaten ice cream in front of us and also requested I make some chocolate brownies on more than one occasion. But our guest was good and respected my request of not buying treats while out shopping (which is a regular occurrence when they visit).

Today was the biggest test.. we opted to eat out for supper and went to KFC. No big deal but going to KFC is one of the rare times that I usually splurge and drink Mountain Dew, but I was a good girl and opted for tea instead. I even turned down the lemonade and sierra mist which would have been much healthier than Mountain Dew. When Phil and I were done eating we both agreed that we weren't exactly "full" and he suggested we stop at Mc D's on the way home (whenever we're near a Mc D's we usually get an ice cream cone). Amazingly, I declined, and he shortly later said he didn't even think about it being ice cream (a sweet treat) that we'd get. Walking out of KFC made me take a moment and think about my addiction to sweets vs. habits of eating sweets vs. a simple desire to have a treat. Driving down Kimball Avenue and not stopping for ice cream is VERY usual for us so it made me think, do I really want/need ice cream? or has it been just habit to stop and get it? It was one the first times I realized that some "sweet treats" have really just become habits for us.. not something we really crave/desire to eat.

Another habit I've realized that I have is that I like to snack, especially in the afternoon and at night. It wouldn't be a big deal but I'm really not hungry.. and like sweet treats, I see that it's a habit to snack/eat.. not out of hunger, desire, or need. The last few days my afternoon snacks have been fruit so they are healthy but it still doesn't answer the question of.. is a healthy snack okay, even if I'm not hungry? Or, what is the smallest reasonable amount to eat at meal time so that I'm slightly hungry for the next meal? Although it wasn't planned, I have also been careful to try and not replace my sweet snacking for salty snacking. So although I do eat some chips, popcorn, and nuts.. I have tried to limit it to a healthy serving size.

Even though I'm pregnant, I really want to teach my body to eat when I'm hungry, not just to eat. And to eat enough at meal times to get me to the next meal/snack but not still be full or starved for the next meal. And to eat a treat once in awhile, not out of habit.

In reality, this will be a life long battle.

On a side note, with God's grace, I have the exercise battle down for now. I still exercise regularly and mostly look forward to it. Sadly, this is the first week that I am not planning to go for a jog. It has gotten to where it hurts my back even when I go for short amounts of time so I'm done running until the baby comes. I do walk though and I push myself to keep my heart rate up for at least 30 minutes. I also have a work out video that helps with stretching/flexibility.. something that I miss since growing a mound. I still dream of doing a triathlon next year.. just not sure of the swimming aspect. I love to swim leisurely but I'm not sure I could swim in a dirty lake with many other people splashing me, and I'm not sure where or when I'd train.

One more side note.. I'm starting to realize how much I influence what Phil eats. Although Phil has his little snacks he likes, I'm the one who started the ice cream runs.. I'm the one who makes the cookies.... and I'm the one who makes the menu/grocery list. So, I guess, I need to think about how this affects him (and Wendell) too.. not just myself.

Enough for now.. 3 days down, 27 to go....

1 comment:

Life of the Lorenzens said...

Wow--what a profound post on eating habits! It makes me wonder how many of mine are based on habit vs. need. In college I started trying to conciously eat only when I was hungry and only until I was full. That's how I eventually lost my "Freshman 15". Pregnancy & nursing kind of threw some of that out the window, but in the process I've learned that I definitely am the type of person who has to eat small amounts more often during the day. Meal portions are small, so 2-3 snacks are okay. Although I usually eat pretty balanced meals I'm still not very good at eating healthy snacks. It's the emotional eater in me.

Anyway, thanks for the insight. I'm going to have to start thinking about that again now that I'm on the backside of pregnancy. ;o) Good luck with your goal!