Friday, August 21, 2009

another doc. appt.

I wish I could say she was here but not yet... stubborn little girl is very comfortable in her little cocoon. We had another appointment today and they hooked me up to be monitored. I was very happy for this as Harlie hasn't been moving quite as much as she had been, which is somewhat to be expected. But they monitored her for about 20 minutes and she had a good heart rate, moved at least 3 times, and I even showed some "contractions". Well, that would apparently be Braxton Hick Contractions because after my doctor checked my cervix, he reported no change since the last appointment... meaning, I'm still not dilating/effacing (I've been at 1 cm for 3 weeks now). On the good side, I'm happy to report that after all the debating thoughts of inducing vs. c-section vs. VBAC that we have officially scheduled a C-section for Tuesday. Because I'm already contracting (and have been for almost a week now) and they are doing nothing for my cervix then that implies that inducing would not be useful (all it really does is cause more contractions). So, unless something happens in the next few days, I don't have to think about the group strep B infection, whether to get an epidural, whether to try inducing, what to do if I go in labor at midnight and Wendell is sleeping peacefully in bed, and all the other things that I've been worrying about. On a good note, my doctor says they'll do a spinal block (not epidural) for the surgery which means it should wear off a lot faster than an epidural. I'm hoping that by not having an epidural or pitocin then it will be less medications than when I had Wendell, which means less swelling and time needed to recover. I feel like Tuesday is a long ways from now but at least it's an end day to look forward too. Then a new chapter in life will begin!


Julie Ulven said...

Aw,man! I was hoping to see a baby photo! Hang in there. You have a great attitude! Let us know if you need help with Wendell. Hugs

Sarah Craft said...

Hooray! An end date! I can't wait to meet Harlie. Good luck with everything on Tuesday. We'll be thinking of you guys!