Tuesday, September 7, 2010

grumps and naps

Friends and family, I thought I'd post on a couple of ongoing issues in my life and thought maybe you might have some advice.

1. How do you combat grumpiness? We all have those days (usually when we're tired) that we are just not in a good mood which usually turns into one of those days where it feels like everything goes wrong which is even more maddening. So how do you deal with it? Any fun ideas of how to turn that frown upside down? (or at least stop scowling? : )

2. Naps. I think I'm addicted to naps. Every afternoon I sit down to relax - check my email and read - and the next thing I know I'm sleepy and if the kids are actually in their rooms/napping then I often take a nap. This has been going on well over a year, at first I blamed it on pregnancy, then anemia, then from getting up in the middle of the night with a baby or work, and now.. well I don't have an excuse. I've tried coffee but caffeine doesn't really pep me up. I could just NOT relax but this is my precious down time and I want to relax.. I don't want to work. I think part of my addiction is that I feel so much better after the nap so it makes me want it more... some people drink, eat, or exercise to deal with stress ... I think I'm addicted to my afternoon nap. Any advice?


Sarah Craft said...

Sorry...no advice on the napping situation. I do, however, have some thoughts on grumpiness. I will take the girls to the park, library, garden...any of those places peps them up. When they are happier, I am happier. And then I force myself to smile. I've found if I act happy that eventually my mood will turn around. It doesn't always work but I try. Oh, and dance parties. Turn up the music loud and shake you booty. Seriously, it works.

Becky Bartlett said...

I say TAKE A NAP!!! You deserve that downtime, Heather! :) I'm a bigtime afternoon napper- at least 1/2 hour if I can. Even if I don't sleep, it totally helps me to lay down in the peace & quiet for a bit!! I'm a better mom the rest of the evening if I do!

Julie Ulven said...

I think naps are good. Don't they recommend naps as a way to re-energize? For the grumpiness, a change of scenery and a cuddle time with Mieke helps me. Otherwise, Mieke taking a nap helps all of us!