Some days I think I'd like to hire a cleaning lady. When I sit and think about the odds-n-ends cleaning "projects" that I'd like to do, I realize my list just goes on and on. Not to mention that about the time I'd actually get the list done, then I'd have to start over. Recently, I FINALLY got the blinds and windows cleaned in our house, something that I've been meaning to do all summer. So I cross that off my to do list and start to think the list is starting to look pretty short (Hah!). I took a moment today to think of what I need to add to the list and here is what I can think of right off hand: vacuum/sweep the basement floor, paint the hallway/upstairs bedroom, put in the new linoleum floor, dust and vacuum upstairs, wash/iron/rehang the curtains, clean off the top of the fridge, sweep/mop under the stove and fridge, clean the carpets, vacuum out my car, clean out the garage, wipe down the kitchen walls (where the food splatters), wash down Wendell's toys, go through the black cabinet on the porch, go through my cupboards, better yet, go through all the storage tubs in the basement, clean out the computer hutch, get out my Halloween decorations, update Wendell's baby book... now here is Phil's list: rake the leaves, tear out the garden, can some more pickle relish. Not to mention our "normal weekly to do list": vacuum, sweep, dishes, spot clean the bathroom, take out the trash, pick up after Wendell (and ourselves), laundry, did I mention dishes (we have two dishwashers - my two hands), give Wendell a bath (Phil's job), take my own shower/get dressed, cook, exercise, keep Wendell occupied/out of trouble ... right now I'm lucky if I've showered and put on clean clothes by the end of the day let alone crossed something off my list. So what's on your to do list? Would you ever hire a cleaning lady?