Thursday, March 10, 2011

charts and stickers

For the past few weeks we've been trying some new incentives around the house to get Mr. Wendell motivated to get moving and to stay focused on the task at hand. Main issues being #1 being very pokey when eating and #2 not getting dressed (coats, shoes, clothes etc.) in a timely manner... and the all time #3 not listening (which he gets from his mom : )

99.9% of the time he happy to get out the door and wants to come along but that 4 year old mind is very distracted sometimes.

So we have been trying a few things that have been helpful and the ideas have come from various other moms.

  1. timer - we have a timer on our stove and he gets 3 minutes for shoes and coat and 5 minutes to eat (** please note, this is after a few minutes of trying without a timer; and he has proven this is a good amount of time for him - not too rushing but not too leisurely)
  2. stickers - our son loves stickers so we posted a piece of paper on the fridge and when he does a good job with listening (at our discretion) then he gets to stick a sticker on that paper

that brings us to what I've done today.

  1. sticker chart - I made a chart on the computer and it has 20 squares and then his name at the top. When he fills in all the squares with a sticker he gets a prize. When we go shopping this weekend he will get to pick out his prize and then we will put it on the fridge so he can see it, but he can not play with it until his chart if full.
  2. get ready chart - see below- for in the mornings he has school. I made a chart out of clip art that is numbered 1-4. 1. eat breakfast 2. get dressed 3. brush his teeth and 4. shoes and coat *** in the heart is love God and mom which means he needs to tell me good bye and say a short prayer
We'll see how it all goes but so far the timer is helping and I want to reward him for when he's a good boy. The next chart, which is also coming soon is going to be a chore chart. Wendell and Harlie both seem to enjoy "helping" around the house so while they enjoy it I plan to put them to work. Wendell especially can help take out garbage, recycling, with dishes, vacuuming and pick up toys. He also is learning to set the table and clear his plate and glass after he's done eating. So, I think the young lad deserves a sticker for helping out around the house but I also think we need some direction.

Coming soon will be a chore chart!

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