Thursday, September 13, 2012

take 20 or so...

After the baptism, we thought we'd gather our family of five after the church service and take a picture.  : ) 


You would think between 4 camera's going off at once that someone would have gotten a good one.

Oh, Wendell.

Even Phil and I needed a break from the paparazzi.
so close...

I think it's fair to blame it on the kids.

This is one of the funniest ones.

Haaaarrrrlie! (we were so close!)

Cheeezzzzeee (through gritted teeth).

Harlie's face says what I'm thinking.

so close..

Oh Harlie.

I guess this one isn't too bad (when small like this).

Had enough??
Not done yet.

This was actually kind of embarrassing, sitting at the church as
everyone was leaving as several flashes were going off.

We learned a lesson that day.

The paparazzi doesn't stop unless...
we do this.

Yes, Harlie.  I agree!

** these are pictures from 2 of 4 cameras. 
Maybe the other two cameras got a good shot?

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