Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wendell (summer 2012)

Wendell did lots of fun stuff this summer.. here are some of his favorites:
splash pad
playing in our back yard
riding bikes
tee ball
family visiting
playing with his sisters
making new friends
and now school
at the beach

wiggly worm
walking to the bus stop
the bus is here!

after school.. we survived!

For some reason, they put Wendell in A-ball (1st and 2nd graders)
instead of tee ball... we didn't say anything but kind of regretted it later
as his lack of skills kind of showed. It didn't help that he didn't
want to practice during the day, something for us to consider next
year.  He likes being there during the game and practice but didn't want to do
the work that went with it.  I'm sure we'll see more of this in the future.
He's only five so I don't expect too much, yet.



what's that?

the garbage truck
pretty exciting!

Grandma's are our paparazzi : )

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