Friday, February 4, 2011

GRUMP week

I think this week should be labeled GRUMP week for all us stay at home moms. I got together with some moms this morning and all of us were talking about how our little ones have pushed our buttons this week. I know I'm very much in the group.. I think this is such hard topic to talk about because most moms, like myself, feel horribly guilty and ashamed of my behavior when things get tough at home. I kind of feel like my normal prayers aren't working so my latest one is "please don't let them remember the last few days". So, although it's nice to know I'm not alone, I sure hope all moms out there can feel some peace even when we get grumpy.

Lately, my studies with God have told me that 1. No matter what I do, God loves me very much. 2. My sins are already forgiven. 3. There is a reason for these hard times, and that is for me to learn and grow. Because, God turns everything bad into something good. So during times like this, I have to lean on these core beliefs. I have to choose to either trust God with these truths or I choose the other, and that is Satan and his lies. And I fully believe that Satan has a very special lie for each of us to worry about, something unique that gets to our core.

So anyone who prays out there.. here is my first prayer request. To pray for all us moms - that we can be loving, patient and kind with our family (and that they don't remember the really tough days : ). And if you don't normally pray, maybe you would for me, just this one time.

1 comment:

Sarah Craft said...

Yes sir! It was grump week in the ol' Craft house, too. Great blog post. Mine, your's and every other mommy's grump days are in my prayers. Here's to a patient, loving weekend! :)